Former TV Anchor living in SUV…on purpose
Communications expert and journalist, Kimothy Walker, hits the open road full-time as a digital nomad. She is sharing her adventures while putting the focus on the affordable housing crisis in North America - all while still recovering from a near fatal car collision. It was the first time she tried exploring tiny living on the open road.
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Kimothy Walker
Welcome! My name is Kimothy Walker and I'm moving into an SUV to become a full-time digital nomad!
I was a TV anchor, local reporter and periodic national correspondent for 25 years. Then, I owned a marketing company for 10. Now, I'm choosing to be houseless. I've already done lots of amazing things. It's time for more now that I’m starting to recover from a near fatal head on collision where the other driver ran a stop sign.
I have reported, in print, radio or TV, from Kenya, Philippines, Tanzania, Nicaragua and I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro along the way to support injured soldiers. And I lived in Ottawa, Canada’s capital, and told its stories for 3 decades.
Everything was great...except the part where I almost died and had 28 injuries.