Reflections on Good Ole’ Boys What I Learned in the Mountains
If you had told me 6 weeks ago that I would find myself in North Carolina, with mostly Trump supporters and working with a church, I would have laughed, too. I don’t blame you.
They call it “stealth”…but why do vehicle dwellers need to hide from bricks and sticks folks?
It’s been a bit of wild couple weeks for me in my hometown, where I used to be a fairly recognizable face when the 6 o’clock news was must see TV… and now I work really hard to be invisible.
Why I Had a Place Setting for 20
When I downsized to move into a house on wheels, I opened the box with the plates. I kept 4 and immediately started using them and (gasp) putting them in the dishwasher. The rest were donated.
Those plates taught me that saving the “good stuff” is an exercise for fools.
Following the Migration Inspired by Bob Wells: How He Inspired Me
Why has a 68-year-old man who looks like a very fit Santa Claus changed the lives of tens of thousands of people, including me?
Summer Camp Changed My Life
I was running from the cabin to the outhouse in my pyjamas. I was about 8 years old. Maybe 7. I remember the sharp feeling of the twigs and roots on my feet. Who knows why I didn't put on shoes, but such is the remarkable experience of summer camp as a child.